A 9-day long Training Course on “Fundamentals of Earthquake Resistant Design of Reinforced Concrete” was held during February 15 to March 3, 2018 at BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS). The training course was conducted by Professors, Dr. Tahmeed M. Al-Hussaini, Dr. Mehedi A. Ansary, Dr. K.M. Amanat, Dr. Tahsin Reza Hossain, Dr. Raquib Ahsan and Assistant Professor Dr. Shohel Rana. There were participants from various institutions which included engineers from RAJUK, DIFE, engineers from different consultancy firms as well as faculty members of BUET. The training course consisted of a total of 48 hours lecture which was split into two parts- Structural aspects and Geotechnical aspects. During these sessions, the topics covered by the resource persons included Seismic site exploration, Seismic hazard and Geophysical investigation, Soil dynamics, Dynamic testing of soil and structure, Fundamental dynamics of structure, Earthquake resistant design according to the updated version of BNBC (Bangladesh National Building Code) and Retrofitting of structures.